Welcome to dieting basics

You can not look at dieting as a bad thing. What you have been doing up to this point is the really bad thing. Eating cleanly with less processed food will bring you into a healthier, more productive lifestyle.

The Diet Articles

Protein Timing (excerpt. Protein Essentials)

There is a window of opportunity around workout time where protein consumption enhances muscle protein synthesis above normal levels (in addition to the protein synthesizing effects of resistance training) . In this section we will look at what various researchers have found regarding protein timing. Some authorities have reported that protein timing is just as important as total protein intake (my note: I doubt that) .

A session of heavy resistance training, increases muscle protein synthetic rates rapidly. MPS rates return close to baseline at approximately 36 hours. Some studies have even suggested protein synthesis rates stay elevated for up to 48 hours after a heavy resistance training session. If protein-containing food or amino acids are delivered either immediately before exercise or in the postesxercsie period then the rise is greater. If an insufficient supply of amino acids are provided protein breakdown will exceed protein synthesis and there will be no net accretion of protein.

A study conducted by Tipton showed the delivery of amino acids to be significantly greater during the exercise bout when consumed pre-workout than after .......

Finish reading this article here at http://www.worldclassbodybuilding.com/forums/nutrition/59725-protein-timing-excerpt-protein.html


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