Welcome to dieting basics

You can not look at dieting as a bad thing. What you have been doing up to this point is the really bad thing. Eating cleanly with less processed food will bring you into a healthier, more productive lifestyle.

The Diet Articles

Fat Loss & Weight Training Myths

Spot Reduction Myth

Contrary to what the infomercials suggest there is no such thing as spot reduction. Fat is lost throughout the body in a pattern dependent upon genetics, sex (hormones), and age. Overall body fat must be reduced to lose fat in any particular area. Although fat is lost or gained throughout the body it seems the first area to get fat, or the last area to become lean, is the midsection (in men and some women, especially after menopause) and hips and thighs (in women and few men). Sit-ups, crunches, leg-hip raises, leg raises, hip adduction, hip abduction, etc. will only exercise the muscles under the fat.

Lower Abdominal Myth

It is widely believed the lower abs are exercised during the leg raise or other hip flexor exercises. However, it can be misleading to judge the mechanics of an exercise based on localized muscular fatigue. The primary muscle used in hip flexion is actually the Iliopsoas one of many hip flexors. The Iliopsoas, particularly the Psoas portion, happens to lie deep below the lower portion of the Rectus Abdominous. During the leg raise, the entire abdominal musculature isometrically contracts (contracts with no significant movement) to:

The combination of the local muscular fatigue, or a burning sensation from the isometrically contracted abdominal muscles, and from the working hip flexors produces fatigue in the pelvis area which we mistakenly interpret as the lower portion of the Rectus Abdominous being exercised. In movements where the Rectus Abdominous does Isotonically contract (contracts with movement), it flexes the spine by contracting the entire muscle from origin to insertion. The spine is not significantly flexed during the leg raise. Incidentally, both the spine and hip flexes during the full range op motion Sit Up and Leg Hip Raise. See Spot Reduction Myth above.

High Repetitions Burn More Fat Myth

Performing lighter weight with more .......

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Sodium and losing weight

Many people believe any excess weight gained will be composed of fat. In fact all weight gains comprise of 3 components, fat, water and lean weight. As weight is gained all 3 components vary according to several factors, the most common include diet, activity level, genetics and the time taken to gain the extra weight. In an extreme case, a greater percentage of fat will be gained if energy intake is too much, activity is low and the time taken to gain weight is short.

In this case, maybe as much as 90% of the excess weight will be made up of mostly extra fat stores. However, a small percentage of any gain will comprise lean weight and water. The water gain is often due to an increased daily sodium intake.

Sodium in the body is mainly found in the fluids that surround the body's cells, such as the blood and lymph fluid. When sodium intake exceeds the amount the body can handle it builds up within the interstitial areas and the kidneys have to work extra hard to excrete a constant rise in daily sodium intake. A build up may cause the body to hold extra fluids in the blood and around the cells which contributes to increased blood pressure and also excess weight gain from water.

Daily sodium intake will always be high in the western diet

The average diet in the western world is commonly made up of fast, packaged or convenient foods. These always consist of high levels of salt and salt contains sodium. If a diet is mainly composed of high sodium foods then naturally the sodium intake also rises thus extra weight is gained quickly as the body holds onto water. It has been estimated that many people in the UK and USA may be carrying up to 5 pounds of extra weight due to the effects of a high sodium intake.

The opposite effect also happens when an individual reduces food intake in order to lose weight quickly. A percentage of the loss will be water because a reduction in high sodium foods means a reduction in daily sodium intake which results in water loss as the kidneys have a chance to finally rid the excess sodium from the body. This also helps partly explain why a dieter may experience the yo-yo effect when dieting, water weight is lost with food reduction but quickly regained when old eating habits are back to normal and daily sodium intake rises once more.

Cutting Down on Salt

Limiting sodium — which we get through .......

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Clenbuterol cycle plan with T3 & Ketotifen

Clenbuterol cycle plan with T3 & Ketotifen
For those who have a lot of weight to lose, or have been fighting the weight for years with no reaction, there are some Clenbuterol stacks that will push your body to the limit of its fat burning capabilities.

You will need: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride 40mcg Tablets (Tiny White Tablet), T3 Cytomix 80mcg Tablets (Yellow Tablet) and Ketotifen 1mg Tablets (Larger White Tablet with Score).

For women you will need 100x 40mcg Clenbuterol tabs. 100 x Cytomix Tablets and 100 x 1mg Ketotifen Tabs.

For men you will need 200 x 40mcg Clenbuterol tabs. 100 x Cytomix Tablets and 100 x 1mg Ketotifen Tabs. (this may last a man longer than the first cycle but this is hard to tell in advance if you have never taken Clenbuterol, as you will discover below).

The Clenbuterol will raise your bodies temperature and heartrate, therefore burning more calories per hour. Normally your body will not get any effect from Clenbuterol after 3 weeks, but this is why we take it with Ketotifen.

The Ketotifen will keep your Beta 2 receptors in good shape, meaning you can use Clenbuterol for longer up to 6 weeks. (Clenbuterol can not safely be used for longer than 3 weeks, without a 3 week break, unless you are using Ketotifen daily from the second week).

The T3 Cytomix will stimulate your thyroid increasing your metabolism.

This is a 9 Week Cycle

The Clenbuterol is taken every .......

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Myths Under The Microscope: The Low Intensity Fat Burning Zone & Fasted Cardio

Why do natural bodybuilding contests for the most part look like swim meets minus the pool?

The obvious answer is the relative absence of anabolic and androgenic drugs that enable “enhanced” athletes to hold on to considerably more muscle under prolonged metabolic stress than natural pre-contest trainees. The other part of the answer is that naturals as a group tend to undermine their efforts by copying the training and nutritional practices of their pharmacologically advantaged brethren.

I wrote this review in the hopes of slowly but surely prying open some minds (including my own) by bringing the facts to light. Sometimes concepts can’t be sufficiently conveyed through cyber debates, where emotionally-driven flexing and posturing for the public take priority over honest, objective, and thorough examination of the evidence. I’ll take a look at the hard data, as well as the theoretical extrapolations involved with this highly misunderstood topic.

Warning: This is gonna be lengthy, so save this reading for when you can really sit down and buckle up. I highly encourage you to tread slowly and carefully through the material. For you skimmers out there, I provided summaries of the key research points.


Substrate Utilization 101: Origin of the myth
Dietary variables aside, the body’s proportional use of fat for fuel during exercise is dependent upon training intensity. The lower the intensity, the greater the proportion of stored fat is used for fuel. The higher the intensity, the greater proportional use of glycogen and/or the phosphagen system. But this is where the misunderstanding begins. Common sense should make it obvious that although I’m burning a greater proportion of stored fat typing this sentence, Getting up and sprinting would have a greater impact on fat reduction despite its lesser proportional use of fat to power the increased intensity. Alas, sufficient investigation of the intensity threshold of maximal net fat oxidation has been done. In what’s perhaps the best designed trial of its kind, Achten & Jeukendrup found peak fat oxidation to occur during exercise at 63% VO2 max. This peak level got progressively less beyond that point, and was minimal at 82% VO2 max, near the lactate threshold of 87% [1].

Misunderstanding is perpetuated in fitness circles
It has been widely misconstrued that a greater net amount of fat is burned through lower to moderate intensity work, regardless of study duration and endpoints assessed. In addition the confusion of net fat oxidation with proportional fat oxidation, the postexercise period is critically overlooked. No distinction is ever made between during-exercise fat oxidation, recovery period fat oxidation, total fat oxidation by the end of a 24-hr period, and most importantly, a longer term of several weeks.. Thus, the superiority of lower intensity cardio continues to be touted over the more rigorous stuff that takes half the time to do. Fortunately, we have enough research data to gain a clear understanding. Let’s dig in.


Mixed study protocols + mixed results = plenty of mixed-up bodybuilders
As with all research involving applied physiology, the highly mixed set of results is due to a wide variation of study designs in terms subject profile, dietary manipulation, energetic balance, and actual intensities used. Nevertheless, the body of exercise-induced fat oxidation research can be easily deciphered by stratifying it into 3 subgroups: Acute effect (during exercise & immediately after), 24-hr effect, & chronic effect (results over several weeks).

Acute effects spawn ideas for further research
In addition to measuring fat oxidation during exercise, most acute effect trials look at fat oxidation at the 3 to 6 hr mark postexercise [2]. Fat oxidation during exercise tends to be higher in low-intensity treatments, but postexercise fat oxidation tends to be higher in high-intensity treatments. For example, Phelain’s team compared fat oxidation in at 3hrs postexercise of 75% VO2 max versus the same kcals burned at 50% [3]. Fat oxidation was insignificantly higher during exercise for the 50% group, but was significantly higher for the 75% group 3 hours postexercise. Lee’s team compared, in college males, the thermogenic and lipolytic effects of exercise pre-fueled with milk + glucose on high versus low-intensity training [4]. Predictably, pre-exercise intake of the milk/glucose solution increased excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC, aka residual thermogenesis) significantly more than the fasted control group in both cases. The high-intensity treatment had more fat oxidation during the recovery period than the low intensity treatment. This implicates pre-fueled high-intensity training’s potential role in optimizing fat reduction while simultaneously setting the stage for quicker recovery.

24-hr effects come closer to reality
You can call it Murphy’s Law, but the promise of greater fat oxidation seen during and in the early postexercise periods of lower intensity cardio disappears when.......

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11 Steps to Ensure Your Fat Loss Success

Today I want to share with you 11 Steps that will absolutely guarantee you'll have the body your desire in 90 days or less!

1. Persistence!

Persistence is the single most important factor in any exercise or nutrition program. As you progress in your
fitness program there will be days when it feels like you aren't seeing any results or you just don't feel
like exercising or eating right, but if you reflect on your goals and be consistent your results will come fast and furious.

2. Enlist the help of a support partner or coach.

Working out with others and having others hold you accountable to your goals will help you achieve your fat loss results much quicker. When you motivation drops your coach is there to supply you will a little kick in the butt!

3. Don't take advice from everyone.

Listen to those people who are knowledgeable in the health and fitness field. Many well meaning friends and family provide us with bad advice which sends us in a negative directions. It pays to get proper advice from the beginning.

4. Surround yourself with .......

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